Great causes in Great Park

Evo Blog – Ritu Nayaar
Great work for Great Causes in Great Park

This is a post about Ritu Nayaar who has done some incredible work to help those in need, both locally and internationally. Her efforts to collect food donations for the Hartlepool food bank and to gather donations for the people affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria are truly inspiring.

Collections towards those effected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

Having lived in Great Park for 14 years, Ritu is a teacher to pupils with special educational needs and a mother of three children. When she saw the issue of food poverty affecting children in the North of the UK, she felt compelled to help and used social media to appeal for food donations to support the Hartlepool food bank. With the help of Great Park groups and the GPCC as a vital hub for the community to use as a drop off point, Ritu was able to collect an incredible one tonne of food, which was transported to Hartlepool by van. Ritu’s daughters even had the opportunity to provide an interview with BBC news and radio about their successful effort.

BBC filming during one of Ritu’s charitable campaigns

The earthquakes that hit Turkey and Syria left many people without provisions. Feeling compassion, she again reached out to her community and GPCC, this time appealing for donations of warm clothes, nappies, food, and shoes for those affected by the disaster. The Great Park community united once again to support the cause, resulting in a huge donation for the people of Turkey.

Ritu’s belief that a community that comes together in times of need is significantly stronger and can achieve great things for humanity is evident in the work she has done. Her love and respect for the GP residents, the team at GPCC, and the wider community who come forward to help in times of immense challenges is truly admirable. As Ritu has shown, even during our own struggles, we can always find a way to support others and make a positive impact on the world.

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